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Tammy Lanphere Oommen

My introduction to theater was when a neighbor took me to see Oliver Twist at a small local theater. It sparked my interest in the art of story telling.  

For over 30 years, I have been part of the  South Asian Indian Community which gives me a different cultural perspective than most people.  I work with many community members from different cultural and economic backgrounds.    


 I have had the privilege to meet actors, directors, musicians and politicians. I seek out interesting people and enjoy building professional relationships and networks.  


 In addition, I have worked almost 30 years in education with at-risk youth and their families.  I have worked hard to bring equitable opportunities for youth with my work in Multicultural Educational Theater Arts as a working board member and later as president,as well as my work in the local school district. 

The economy plummeted my first year on the board.  The theater lost thousands of dollars from a  lack of ticket sales.  The theater was in peril.   Myself and 3 other board members,  voted to remain and fight to keep the organization going for the kids. We made strategic and thoughtful decisions that pulled the theater back from folding, to become a successful theater,with a robust  bank account and the community respect. We came back with force!  Producing superior theater with sold out shows, such as, Stand and Deliver, Fiddler on the Roof, Cats, West side story, Little Mermaid and Romeo and Juliet the musical and PAN.  But the most important part is our determination to reach out to the unserved youth and families through theater. Perserverance always wins. 

I have also found gigs for bands and filming locations for musical videos.  This requires knowing the region and having a network to tap into. 

I have plethora of leadership experience in many areas of my life from theater, union work, elected commissioner and education work.  

With this colorful rich personal history, I decided to do what I love doing.  Create and provide opportunities and support the arts and programs through the following. 

     * Empower and support  minorities and women                             businesses and social justice projects. 

      * Encourage films to be made in Washington state.  

      *  Find set locations and cast members

          for film and theater.  

      *  Casting consultant for film projects 


      *   Personal leadership coaching


       * Facilitate educational opportunities


       * Build partnerships


If you are interested in finding cast  for film, theater or individuals seeking to improve their acting skills from experienced acting coaches, or want to support the arts or need leadership coaching.    Please contact me. 

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